How to stop Overthinking problem? Train your brain.

How to stop Overthinking problem?

In this world everyone overthinks. But very few people don't. Overthinking can destroy anyone's life. People with high IQ thinks normally but in positive way and people with less IQ overthinks in negative way. Overthinking somehow destroys your brain. If you're a student you've tension about studies. If you're an adult then you've tension about your job or career. Overthinking makes you weak from inside. According to Stanford University, overthinking destroys your creativity power and slow downs the growth of your brain. 

Let me tell you a story, this story may change your mindset entirely. It is based on true story.
Famous magician Harry Houdini used to think that if he is locked in a jail cell, he can come out within one hour by unlocking the jail cell. Many jailers used to call him and lock him in jail but everytime mysteriously he used to come out within a hour by unlocking the cell. He accepted another invitation to demonstrate his skills. He entered the cell, wearing his street clothes, and the jail cell door shut. Once alone, he pulled a thin strong piece of metal from his belt and began working on lock. But something was wrong. No matter how hard Houdini worked, he couldn't unlock the lock. For two hours he applies skill and experience to the lock but failed again and again. Two hours later he gave up in frustration. In frustration he pushed the door and the door was open in moment. The problem? The cell had never been locked. The only place the door was locked was in his mind.

According to scientific research, 70,000 thoughts comes in our brain but 95% thoughts are useless, and because of this we are not able to focus on our goals. "When there is enemy within, the enemy outside can do no harm." When you refuse to allow any doubts in your own mind, then no doubts from others will ever cloud your judgement. 

Think Positive 

Positive thinking can beat your overthinking. Usually people overthink only about negative thoughts. So overthink in positive way. Positive overthinking will not harm you, but it will help to become more creative and help in achieving your goals. 

Stay Happy

When you are happy your mind doesn't overthinks about anything. You would've noticed that when something bad happens you overthink but when something good happens you never think much about it. So make yourself happy in every moment. Don't let negativity enter your mind. 

Distract Yourself

When you overthink things, those thoughts and worries start to take over your mind. You can fight back against then by immediately doing something else that engages your brain. This could include writing a journal, doing twenty pushups, reading an article, or calling up your brain friend. Whatever you can do to get yourself out of that moment of worry, take action and do it. You might be surprised at how quickly the thoughts pass through when you don't give them the power to take over.




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